Sesión para publicación Chic Magazine de Grupo Milenio del bailarín Isaac Hernandéz. Descarga Edición Chic nº94

Sesión para publicación Chic Magazine de Grupo Milenio del bailarín Isaac Hernandéz. Descarga Edición Chic nº94
Sesión de foto para fachada y espacios del restaurante Estancia Gaucha.
Cobertura del Mexico Polo Tour para Revista CHIC de Grupo Milenio
Colaboraciones con Revista Maxwell Nov 2015 – Ene 2016
Sesión de fotos para Grupo Milenio Jalisco. La misión era actualizar la publicidad del programa de radio que Miguel Puértolas y Arllete Solano. Una vez terminada la sesión hago lo que más me gusta… experimentar.
Sesión de fotos casual con iluminación natural para Barrio Providencia. Deli 😀 visita:
Emiliano Salci and Britt Moran invested in their individual experience with the profession and study of Design, Art and Fashion, and founded DIMORESTUDIO in 2003. “Inseguo il sogno di una casa vivente, silente, che s’adatti continuamente alla versatilità della nostra vita, anzi la incoraggi, con cento risorse che noi architetti insegneremo, arricchendola, con pareti e…
The word “mariachi” was thought to have derived from the French word mariage (“marriage”), dating from the French intervention in Mexico in the 1860s, related to the music’s appearance at weddings. This was a common explanation on record jackets and travel brochures. This theory was disproven with the appearance of documents that showed that the word existed before this…
Don Jesus de Paul Solano, sastre de profesión desde 1937, Tapatío de nacimiento, quien en su momento vistió a las más grandes personalidades de la sociedad Tapatía, tuvo la visión, de la necesidad de los caballeros de rentar ropa de etiqueta para sus eventos sociales, y fue en 1971 cuando abrió la primer tienda de…
I have the tendency of photographing flowers that end up at my house before they go back to dust. This is the last rose i found laying around here. More precisely by the kitchen window. Using an extension tube and an old and fantastic 50mm lens. Natural droplets from the morning dew.
Awesome nail product to live and share your favourite colours.
Style and attitude define Laura. Wife and mother; relentless on expressing what she wants and how. Great things happen to those who dare.
Motivated by passion for food and everything that it generates, we have initiated this culinary adventure called ‘M’ offering a place where creativity can flourish and looking to create a lasting memory in our guests, by providing what we will offer and the knowledge that our intent is to provide only the best. Creadores de…